Everything a business needs for Governance Risk and Compliance


If your Governance, Risk and Compliance systems are built on Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, Access databases or a clunky, ageing software; Folio is what you have been waiting for. It is quick to configure, web-based, fast and easy to use. Folio will hit the right spot for your Board and management team.

Manage risk effectively

Folio is aligned with ISO 31000, the International Risk Management Standard and will bring a transparency and consistency to your risk management process that no spreadsheet can.

  • Configurable risk registers

    Maintain separate registers for Strategic Risk, Operational Risk and Project Risk, restrict access to information on a need to know basis.

  • Highlight critical risk relationships

    Folio enables you to articulate critical relationships by linking risks with other risks, incidents, compliance obligations, audits and even contracts.

  • Your team will love Folio

    Risk reports are tailor made for Boards and management teams. Folio allows users to configure reports with simple drag and drop and to have reports delivered on demand.

Know & manage compliance obligations

Folio provides a simple, intuitive way to know and manage compliance with internal policies and procedures as well as compliance with legislation, regulations, contractual obligations and more.

  • Proof of compliance

    Folio is the single source of truth for compliance. Team members are prompted to record compliance attestations in Folio and store evidence if required. Exception reporting shows areas of non-compliance instantly.

  • LexisNexis regulatory compliance API

    Folio provides a seamless integration to the LexisNexis Regulatory Compliance API as an add-on service. The API provides plain English regulatory compliance obligations directly populated in Folio and updated overnight.

compliance to do list
incident workflow diagram

Unique incident management solution for your unique business

We understand that your business is unique and that incident workflows need to be designed to fit with your approval structures. Folio will enable you to manage Incidents, Feedback, Complaints & Compliments, Continuous Improvement, Breaches and more.

  • Incident reporting by anyone

    Anyone can report incidents in Folio even if they are not users. Reporters don’t often have all the information they need to report an incident, Save and Return, enables anyone to save a form and complete it later.

  • Return to submitter to make amendments

    Sometimes we don’t get all the details right in the first go, Return to Submitter, enables users to send forms back to the submitter for them to correct errors or provide more detail.

  • Build notifications for specific events

    Folios Notifications Engine enables you to build custom notifications for specific events. So your CEO is notified only when for. e.g. a Extreme Priority event occurs that resulted in a serious injury.

  • Make a note of anything

    Capture detailed incident notes and categorise them into note types like emails, phone calls and meetings. You can even @mention another user to have the note emailed to them. Folio enables users to report on notes that have been made on any Folio.

incident notes screenshot
  • Track changes

    Details on incident records often change, View Changes in Folio lets you see changes made to a field, who made them and when. Highlight changes on text fields lets you highlight what was added and removed. Restore lets you rollback to the last version.

incident history screenshot

Quality audits, inspection checklists & more

Folio provides simple intuitive way to manage quality audits, inspections and other checklists. You can record Non-conformances and manage corrective actions easily.

  • Any type of checklist captured

    Create checklists for audits, facilities inspections, food safety, security, inspections and more. Allocate audits to auditors with due dates and monitor completion.

  • Evidence

    Photos, videos and documents can be attached as evidence of non-conformances.

  • Corrective Actions

    Raise corrective actions as To Do’s allocated to team members to address non-conformances.


Folio workflows can be configured to fit what you do.


Folio is quick to setup and engages your teams.

Saves you money

Folio is cost effective GRC Software.


Folio provides a single repository for all your contracts and contract documents. Manage milestones, monitor performance and more.


Folio is used for contracts, risk and compliance across a range of industries. It provides our customers with a complete tool kit.

Want to know more? Get in touch for a Demo